AdminSupport (Admin, OnePlace Solutions) commented
Hi Diane
-Anti-virus scanning of OnePlaceDocs-
• Every release of our software (all our ‘desktop’ products) is submitted to Microsoft for analysis prior to being available to the public.
• I suspect Kaspersky could have been triggered by the registry key that gets added to Windows to start OnePlaceDocs Explorer when you login to your machine.
• Submitting ‘oneplacedocsexplorer.exe’ directly to Kaspersky for analysis detects no issues,
o I implore you to submit the same executable(s) from your machine to double check: Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal — Analysis-Next Steps-
• If Kaspersky on your machine still triggers on OnePlaceDocs, you may need to add an exception for it.
• You may need to investigate whether something else on your machine is infecting executables that are configured to start at login.~AG