Replace existing file and then immediately rename
Ability to save an attachment to an attachment to an email by overwriting an existing file in SharePoint, and then immediately renaming the existing file in SharePoint.
e.g. if there is a "file.docx" saved in SharePoint, the ability to save an attachment to an email by overwriting "file.docx" but then immediately rename "file.docx" to "file v2.docx".
At the moment to achieve the above, whilst you can overwrite "file.docx", the renaming of the overwritten file to "file v2.docx" has to be done manually.

Matt commented
No, the request is not for a "keep both" funciton.
The issue is just to be able to have OnePlace Solutions immediately rename a file after it has "overwritten" (created a new version) of an existing file.
As you note below, for the versioning to work, you have to upload the file using the exact same filename. So if I had a file called "20230810 - Invoice" to upload an attachment as a new version of that document, the attachment has to be uploaded as "20230810 - Invoice" (even if the attachment was named somethign different). This is presently what OnePlace Solutions does when you slect "replace an existing file" - i.e. it makes sure you use the same filename so it gets overwritten and so then appears as an updated version of the same document.
However, sometimes filenames have meaning (in the above example, the figures at the beginning reflect a relevant date). So the request is for a functionality so that whilst the document that gets uploaded is named per the original if you select "replace an existing file" (in the above example "20230810 - Invoice"), once that has in fact happened (so the attachment appears as a new version rather than a new document), you have the option of automatically renaming the file to a different filename - e.g. "20230817 - Invoice". In other words, the final result would be a file that has the name "20230817 - Invoice" but was in fact the previously named "20230810 - Invoice".
At the moment, if I want to retain versions of documents but rename the file I have to rename the file manually in SharePoint after OnePlace Solutions has uploaded/overwritten the document with the original filename. The request is ultimately limited to have a renaming function as part of the "replace an existing file" function.
Appreciate i'm labouring the point, but to give a practical example:
1) SharePoint has a file called "20230810 - Invoice".
2) Client emails me a file called "20230817 - Invoice".
3) I want the document the client emails me to be a new version of my existing "20230810 - Invoice", so I select the "replace existing file" function and select the 202030810.
4) OnePlace Solutions uploads the client attachment "20230817 - Invoice" as "20230810 - Invoice" instead. The result being that my existing "20230810 - Invoice" document is replaced.
5) As a result of 4 above, I still have in my SharePoint only one file named "20230810 - Invoice". However this document is in fact the document that the client emailed me, but if I go to version history, I can still go back to the original version.
6) However, I don't want the document to be named "20230810 - Invoice" anymore, I want it to be named "20230817 - Invoice" or "20230810 - Invoice (Modified)" or whatever other name I want. If I want the file to be renamed, I need to do that manually.
Steps 1 to 5 currently happen automatically (as it should).
The request is to have an automatic function to perform Step 6.
AdminSupport (Admin, OnePlace Solutions) commented
Hi Matt
Thank you for your post.
SharePoint has a function to handle versioning when you replace an existing file / upload a file that already exists. you upload a file (natively or using our product(s)) and overwrite an existing file, the new file is saved as a new 'Major' version. You can surface which Version a file is in a SharePoint View via the built in 'Version' field in SharePoint, and you can access versions of a file using the 'Versions' tab in our products.
Can you please clarify if your request is to be able to 'Keep both' as the other option offered by SharePoint in the browser? (file gets uploaded with the same name and a (1) appended)