show folders based on person assigned to metadate
We have a document library where we store our Customer Files with a Metadata Column called Customer Manager. We would like to show the folders where the Customer Manager is linked to [ME]. How can we create a solution profile in OnePlaceMail that only shows to folders for users where they are assigned to as Customer Manager? See screenshot below. How can we accomplish this?

Hi there,
We discussed this via email, however I would like to update this topic in case other users have a similar query.
When using Solution Profiles and the Central register setting, if you have a column such as "Project Manager" or Matter Manager - you can create a view, where the filter for this column is set to [Me].
Once this view is created in the central register list, you are able to use this view in OnePlaceLive to filter the projects/cases/support queries based on these items assigned to specific people.Further information on Central register and Solution profiles can be found here: regards