How OnePlaceDocs handles document library "Link" type
I wish I could tell you this is a small problem but it's not. It's huge.
OnePlace Documents treats differently the formal Sharepoint document library type called "Link".
I have a "Link" item which points to an external url (such as youtube).
When accessing the Sharepoint document library via a browser clicking on the default SP "Name" field correctly loads the external link.
When accessing the Sharepoint document library via OnePlaceDocs, the link simply loops back to the Sharepoint item.
I would guess that this is not considered a defect by OnePlace but rather "that's how it works."
The practical consequence for me is that OnePlace Docs, rather than fulfill its promise of 'connects SharePoint from Desktop' actually irrevocably fails in this respect. Because of this failure my instruction to my users is "if you want to access an item in a document library that is a link to an external item then you must use a browser. For other content, such as Word document, you may continue using OnePlaceDocs."
If requested by OnePlaceMail I can produce a screen recording showing the behavior.
Ken Florian