Configuring OPM to give complete Outlook UX for viewing emails stored in SharePoint
Apologies if this is showing me as a OPM newbie.
We have recently upgraded our client install to OPM 6.3 – and our users have these requirements:
They want to explore the SharePoint library and folder structure via an Outlook interface (i.e. using the search box, items pane and preview pane) – not by having a SharePoint web page (view) shown in the Outlook window (I believe this was possible in OPM 6.1 by a checkbox on the folder node to not show SharePoint view)
In this interface, they want to be able to drag-and-drop items from one folder to another
When an item is dropped in a folder, they want it to pick up the metadata defaults assigned to the folder in SharePoint, and also retain its email metadata
Ideally, they would like to only be able to see emails in this outlook interface (not documents in the SharePoint folder structure).
So as you can see what they really want is a complete replication of the outlook experience, but with the emails now being stored in SharePoint as opposed to exchange or PST files.
Can you please describe if this is possible, and how this can be configured in OPM 6.3
Many thanks,