configure default file type for office files
We are using OnePlace Docs to save files in SharePoint directly from the office applications (Word, Excel).
We developed some word templates with macros, our file extension in this case is ".dotm".
While saving this file to SharePoint by OnePlaceDocs, we were asked about the file name and the file extension.
We are able to choose ."docm" and ".docx" as the file extension for this macro word file. When we save the file with the ".docm" extension, everything is working fine, because the scripts are retained. By saving the file as ".docx", the custom scripts will be lost.
Unfortunately ".docx" is the default setting for saving ".dotm" files, which will end in losing the scripts by saving and disrupt our functionalities inside the document.
We didn't found a setting in OnePlaceDocs to set the default file extension for the document.
Would it be possible to add a functionality to choose which file format will be used while saving template files?

Hi Heiko
Thanks for your comment and suggestion. I'll add this to our suggestions and we will update this thread once there are any changes.
Kind regards