Unable to install
OnePlaceMail is an absolute must have app for SharePoint. The reason I am writing is because my lite version isnrt able to upgrade.
I get a message stating that either previous version not uninstalled oroutlook is running.
Checking the registry, I have some CLSID entries.
Any help appreciated

Elissa commented
Hi Dave
Great to hear! Thank you for the update.
Kind regards
dave williams commented
Stop everything! - its working!!
I installed the MSI from the link you provided.
Looking Good!
Thanks Elissa
dave williams commented
Hi Elissa, its office 2010.
I can upload an event log if you wish?
Elissa commented
Hi Dave
Are you able to advise what version of Office you have installed?
Kind regards
dave williams commented
Hi Elissa,
I checked programs & features.
I have a log file, if this is any use?
Elissa commented
Hi Dave
Thank you for your comments.
Can you please confirm that the previous version has been uninstalled? This can be done via Control Panel, Programs & Features.
Please uninstall any reference, and add any screenshots that may be of assistance in regards to troubleshooting.
Kind regards