Error loading folders
Hello, I'm having problems adding emails to SharePoint document libraries from Outlook 2010.
I am am able to add a SharePoint Connection to my server and see a list of the document libraries. However when I choose a document library, and click on the "+" sign it says "Error loading folders - click for details".
When I click for details, I get the following message:
"System.UriFormatException: Invalid URi: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. at scinatptic.OnePlaceMail.API.ClientIntegration.OPMNavigationTreeUC.a(Object A0, GetUserTrimmedListFoldersCompletedEventArgs A1)"
I am able to copy emails to a document library on a different server.
Craig Hughes commented
Hi Ilia
Renaming the URL of the sub-site worked.
Many thanks for your help.
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Craig,
thank you for providing required information.
This is OnePlaceMail issue.
As you have the same URL for the site collection and sub-site of this site collection (e.g. http://contoso/contoso/ ) OnePlaceMail corrupts the URL.
As a quick workaround you could change the URL for the sub-site (e.g. http://contoso/contoso2 ) to make it work.
Regardless of this, I'm glad to let you know this issue has already been addressed and fix will be available in the next OnePlaceMail release (6.4).
Hope this will help. Please update this topic or email me directly if you have any questions. Thank you.
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Craig,
thank you for reporting this issue.
Could you please capture OnePlaceMail logs for it? Please refer to this article for the details.
If it's possible, could you also download Fiddler2 and provide its logs too?
Please send both files to me directly: ilia (аt)
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.