Oneplacemail replaces hyphens with underscores in file names, why?
When I am using oneplacemail to load a document (where the filename contains Hyphens) into sharepoint, One place mail is converting the hyphens to underscores. e.g My-File-Name.doc appears as Myfilename.doc
Even when i hit the manage files link and rename the document with hyphens it ignores the change and still shows underscores in the file name.
Can this be prevented?
I am using Oneplacemail enterprise Release 6.5 (Build 25.0.4 - Outlook 2010) - FCO

Elissa commented
Hi Murray
Thank you for your inquiry.
Are you able to advise what version of OnePlaceMail you are using?
Kind regards
Murray Allen commented
Hi Elissa,
Another underscore issue I have noticed is when creating a new document in office (word/excel) and selecting save to SharePoint (in the oneplacemail tools for office ribbon) underscores are not allowed in the file name. I get a message stating that I've used an invalid character. Removing the underscore solves the problem.
It seems bizarre that in one instance oneplacemail is telling me that i can't use underscores yet in another it's replacing my hyphens with underscores! LOL.
My IT department have been silent on my request for an upgrade or change to the config file so i will harass them on that but can you confirm if underscores are allowed in a file name when saving to SharePoint in the latest version of oneplacemail?
Murray Allen commented
Thanks Elissa, I will liase with my IT department to see if we can do one of those options. Fingers crossed!
I appreciate your prompt response to my query.
Elissa commented
Hi Murray
Thank you for your inquiry.
This has been modified in our later releases of OnePlaceMail. Alternatively, you can create a config_update.xml file to modify this behaviour.
We recommend upgrading to the most recent release, R7.3, to take advantage of our enhancements and new features.
Please refer to the following link for example regex:!Modules/2/Documents/customillegalcharacterstripping.htm
Kind regards