Delete all launchItem, outlookFolder, siteCollection items
I am looking to remove all launch items, all outlookfolders, and all siteCollections using the configupdate.xml. I am aware that this can be done by simply deleting all items within /AppData/Roaming/OnePlace Solutions, however this does not work for the client. What lines can I add to the configupdate.xml to achieve this?
Thank you
Elissa commented
Hi Patrick
Please select the following link for a series of examples and information on the button labels in OnePlaceMail!Modules/2/Documents/outlook20102013visualization.htm
the tag to hide the launch button would be:
ribbonObject action="delete" tag="Home_LaunchMenu"/>
ribbonObject action="insert" tag="Home_LaunchMenu" visible="false"
Setting the visible action to false, will hide this from the end user.
The following link, contains the relevant information to remove the ability to add a site collection/site to the OnePlaceMail settings!Modules/2/Documents/manageconnections.htm
Please let me know if you would like further information or examples to enable these settings!
Kind regards