OnePlaceMail-SharePoint-Solution-2013-v4.wsp not active the "Custom Tab"
I have followed the procedure to install Sandbox Solution for OnePlaceMails.
I have successfully uploaded and activated the file "OnePlaceMail-SharePoint-Solution-2013-v4.wsp".
I tried with another wsp file "OnePlaceSolutionsAdministrationSite_v2.wsp" and in this case the "Custom Tab" is then showed for further selection of template site.
Could you please help me? I think it may have a problem with the first wsp file I downloaded from your site.
Thank you very much ahead.
Elissa commented
Hi Sylvain
Please let me know if you require any further assistance regarding this issue.
Kind regards
Elissa commented
HI Sylvain
Thank you for your inquiry.
If you have installed the sandbox solution for email template/site columns, the easiest way to check to see if this has been successful, is to browse to Site settings | Site Columns. Can you see a series of site columns, named EmTo, EmSubject etc?
The Administration sandbox solution, is provided for our product OnePlaceLive. The SharePoint Solution, you originally downloaded provides a content type and columns to capture email attributes.
Kind regards