How can I update the My OnePlaceMail Folder from another application without restarting Outlook?
I am looking to write an Internet Explorer addon which will add an "Add location to My OnePlaceMail" button. This would ideally take the current URL and add the location to My OnePlaceMail in Microsoft Outlook.
I could accomplish this by creating a config_update.xml file and restarting Outlook (ex:
but ideally I would simply like some programmatic way of duplicating this action ( ) without mucking about in the GUI.
Elissa commented
Hi Jon
Thanks for your posts. We don't have an API for this. Also we don't support direct modification of the config.xml file - however as you may be aware - it is possible to directly modify the file.
Also as you may have found, when modifying this changes you make will be available on the Outlook Navigation Pane immediately without having to restart Outlook.
Great to hear that you were able to achieve a positive outcome.
Please don't hesitate to get in contact should you have any further inquiries!
Kind regards
Jon Pugsley commented
Disabling and re-enabling OnePlaceMail via a script appears to accomplish what I wanted.
Jon Pugsley commented
Ultimately what I'm asking is:
Can I change Users\\AppData\Roaming\Scinaptic\OnePlaceMail\config file and then apply these changes without restarting outlook entirely?
Is there an API/SDK that lets me make changes to OnePlaceMail from outside of Outlook?
Jon Pugsley commented
config_update functionality to duplicate:
outlookFolder folderName="Docs" listUrl=" http://myserver/Shared" rel="nofollow">http://myserver/Shared Documents" folderUrl="