System.Xml.XPath.XPathException has an invalid token
When moving a email to a SharePoint folder, I receive this "Error loading folders"-
System.Xml.XPath.XPathException:'//sp:List[starts-with(translate(@DefaultViewUrl,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstruvwxyz'),'/Baltimore/b-19181-mit phil blythe's towing/project emails/')]' has an invalid token. at Scinaptic.OnePlaceMail.API.ClientIntegration.OPMNavigationTreeUC.a(Object A0, GetUserTrimmedListFoldersCompletedEventArgs A1) What is causing this and how do I fix?
Elissa commented
Hi Trudy
From reviewing the error, this is caused by the apostrophe in "blythe's"
Are you able to remove this from the site name?
To do this, please go to --> Site Actions, Site Settings, Title, Description & Icon".
Please try to move an email to the "project emails" library again.
Also, if you had this folder as a favourite, you will need to add this site again under "Manage My OnePlaceFolders".
Please let me know how you go.
Kind regards