Can I customize the E-mail filename format?
First, I'd like to say that the OnePlaceMail software is something which In my mind was so much missing on the market to make the SharePoint at least the option to consider when selecting document management platform. Until now, everything what I've immagined that the tool can do was at the right place, easy to set up and easy to work with. However I've came across some difficulties with setting up a proper filename when uploading an item to the SharePoint.
I'm trying to customize the e-mail filename format in a way that it would add a creation date string at the beginning of the filename in the format "YYYYMMDD"
I have found this in the administration user guide:
Customizing the email filename format
However, according to the guide the format can be set up to one of the three options (where the last one is closest to what I'd like to achieve - example "2008-10-2421-01-23Jim Smith_Weekly Project Update")
As you can see, the problem is that the date/time format is in this case "YYYY-MM-DD"
I have even tried the illegal character stripping from filenames also mentioned in the guide. I'm not able to get it work (config section provided):
And even if this is working it would probably not solve my issue as this feature inserts "_" instead of specified characters. The problem is, that until now everyone in my team has been using filename format starting with the "YYYYMMDD" followed by other characters. They have been able to sort out items chronologically in the windows explorer. When they upload the files on the SharePoint, and start to upload the e-mails with different file format, they will lose the option to sort everything chronologically (by filename). An option is to manually delete the dash each time (what they are basically doing now - they need to assign proper filename to each e-mail stored), however if this can be automatized that would be much more user friendly.
Is there any way how can I configure the OPM to perform the filename edit in a way I've explained?
Thank you very much for any help.

Moris Davaz commented
Thank you for your prompt answer. I will have a look on the SDK. However, it would be nice to have this feature out of the box in the next releases.
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Moris,
you could also use our API/SDK to achieve required functionality.
Please download it (and documentation) for free from this page.
Hope this will help.
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Moris,
thank you for the detailed explanation of the problem.
Currently there are only three email formats for filename. We highly appreciate your feedback and will expand this functionality in one of the next releases.
Meanwhile you could use "Email Date" SharePoint column to sort all saved emails chronologically.
Please take a look at this article for the details:
What is the OnePlaceMail Sandbox Solution?
Please update this topic if you require any assistance in activating/configuring email columns in you environment.
Thank you.