How can we update centrally user favorites ?
We use OPM 7.4.2 and each user has made their own favorites.
Is it possible to add a new favorite in the favorites.xml file with a sort of config_update.xml file ? We need to add a favorite for all our users but we do not want to ask them to add the favorite on their own.
thanks in advance

Anonymous commented
I found my solution with a bat file.
My bat file will replace </outlookFolders> by the new favorite I want to add (and the tag </outlookFolders> at the end).
Here is my code :@echo off
CD C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\OnePlace Solutions\
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%z in (Favorites.xml) do (
set str=%%z
set str=!str:^</outlookFolders^>=^<outlookFolder folderName="ABCDEFGH" folderUrl="http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" useGlobalSettings="true" listType="site" listUrl="" folderId="" isSubFolder="False" /^>^</outlookFolders^>!
echo !str!>>Favoritestemp.xml
del Favorites.xml
rename Favoritestemp.xml Favorites.xml