My feedback
2 results found
1 vote
Hi Vincent
Thank you for the update. Can you please confirm if you are installing via msi or exe. If you are using the msi, can you please try to install via the exe, and see if the issue can be repeated?
Please find a link here: regards
Anonymous shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous shared this idea ·
I found my solution with a bat file.
My bat file will replace </outlookFolders> by the new favorite I want to add (and the tag </outlookFolders> at the end).
Here is my code :
@echo off
CD C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\OnePlace Solutions\
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%z in (Favorites.xml) do (
set str=%%z
set str=!str:^</outlookFolders^>=^<outlookFolder folderName="ABCDEFGH" folderUrl="http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" useGlobalSettings="true" listType="site" listUrl="" folderId="" isSubFolder="False" /^>^</outlookFolders^>!
echo !str!>>Favoritestemp.xml
del Favorites.xml
rename Favoritestemp.xml Favorites.xml