The OnePlaceMail Outlook addin encountered an error and could not not be initialised. Error: Cannot create the folder.
Release 6.5 build 25.0.5 - Outlook 2013
The OnePlaceMail Outlook addin encountered an error and could not not be initialised.
Error: Cannot create the folder.
Application: Microsoft Outlook
Method: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Add(System.String, System.Object)
Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Folders.Add(String Name, Object Type)
at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.CreateRootSharepointFolder()
at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.GetRootSharepointFolder()
at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.InitialiseSharepointFolders()
at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.b(Object A0, EventArgs A_1)
Alasdair R commented
That's great, thanks for all the info! :-)
Hi Alasdair,
Thank you for your reply.
Latest release does not support SharePoint 2007.
Recent Windows/Office security update has caused this issue. Here is the link to all the KB number for each Outlook version that caused the issue
KB article for Outlook 2010
KB article for Outlook 2013
KB article for Outlook 2016
Alternatively, you can also apply a registry change. These changes include updating the registry to resolve the issue of these errors appearing for OnePlaceMail, and re-enable the ability to show content from SharePoint.
The registry change is to add the following entry: EnableRoamingFolderHomepages = 1 to the following location
Office 2016: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Security\
Office 2013: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Security\
Office 2010: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Security\If you have any further issues, please email us at support(at)
Zeeshan -
Alasdair R commented
thank you for the quick reply. Do you know which office update has caused the issue? The problem we have now is the new version is not compatible with SharePoint 2007?
Hi Alasdair,
Thank you for inquiry.
This issue is caused by latest Microsoft Office update. We are pleased to advise this has been resolved in a hotfix release which can be downloaded via the following
In this release we have addressed this issue, and have included some additional bug fixes which you might want to take advantage of.
To see what else is included please click on the link for release notes . We recommend that you update to latest release which will fix your issue. Please follow the instructions from the following link to update from release 6.X to latest release let us know if you require any further assistance