Update category and location in Outlook when Email is already stored in SharePoint
If for any reason (e.g. email has been saved to SharePoint using OnePlaceMail App in OWA or Outlook for iOS) an email is already stored in SharePoint but has not got categorized (Transferred to SharePoint), the category and the SharePoint-Location should be updated in the Outlook email. It should also trigger an update of emails in other Mailboxes when you are using the Email Tracking Service.
Currently this does not happen and all users having received the same email are always unsure if all their important emails have really been stored at SharePoint.
Since storing emails using the OnePlaceMail App in OWA and Outlook iOS does not trigger the Email Tracking Service this disables the possibility for all other users to get their same email marked as "Transferred to SharePoint".
In the long run this is becoming a compliance problem since you cant rely on the "Transferred to SharePoint"-information in your Outlook mailbox.

AdminSupport (Admin, OnePlace Solutions) commented
Hi Norbet,
Thank you for your comment. I will provide an update here once there are any changes in this area, regarding the support for Email Tracking in the OnePlaceMail App and updating the email with the 'Transferred to SharePoint' category once OnePlaceMail for Desktop detects that the email already exists in that same location in SharePoint.
- Dylan