Accessing 'Settings' Freezes Live, Mail, and Docs Consistently
Every time I click 'Settings', whether in Docs, Mail, or Live, it freezes the whole programme for a couple of minutes before the 'Settings' box loads. This has not just occurred on my computer, but when IT go to access the 'Settings' on our internal customers' machines.

Olivia Kwant commented
Hi Zeeshan,
I did it and it fixed the issue, however it's happening on many people's computers so are we expected to do this on all of them? I will also note that a) I have had to do this before, and b) when we reload OnePlace we're losing all configuration e.g. licence links, OnePlace Live link.
Zeeshan Ahmed commented
Hi Olivia,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Can you please navigate to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\ and rename the folder "OnePlaceSolution" to OnePlaceSolution.OLD. close/reopen Outlook and check if settings still take time to open?
Olivia Kwant commented
N.B. This is only since our latest upgrade to 7.4.2