OnePlace PDF printer ?
Hi, is there a development for a PDF printer, so we can 'print' PDF's to Sharepoint form non OPM or OPD compatible programs.
We are you PDFXchange as our default PDF Editor/viewer but cannot use OnePlace as our plugin to Sharepoint.
I know we can send to Sharepoint from Explorer, but that's an workaround.
A PDF printer would be far more efficient and support all kind op applications.....
Just an idea !!

Anonymous commented
Please add this feature to future releases. This is super important would make oneplace the needed tool to be able to send anything there. Meaning from oneplace to SP. This is really needed. I don't understand why more users aren't asking for this. We need a Oneplace printer for sure asap.
Zeeshan Ahmed commented
Hi Lucien,
Currently, OnePlaceDocs only integrates with Adobe Acrobat Reader/Writer.\take. We are always interested in hearing from users how we can make using SharePoint easier.
At the moment this is definitely on our roadmap for future considerations, however at this stage I do not have a firm date as to when this will be available.