Set permissions in SharePoint automatically
I would suggest a new Feature:
If I store files on SharePoint and I want to send a document from SharePoint to a mail-receipient who has no Access to the library there should be an Option to automatically assign permissions to the document.
Elissa commented
Hi Dave !
Thank you again for this suggestion. This is also something we have considered,- I will add this also to our product backlog for future consideration.
We appreciate your comments!
Kind regards
Dave Tigani commented
Would love to see a check box or something which will mark the document/email as private, effectively securing the item from everyone but the person saving the file.
Elissa commented
Hi MIchael
Thank you for your suggestion!
Currently OnePlaceMail does not modify SharePoint permissions. To assist in working through your issue, if you are using 365, the following article may be of assistance.
Kind regards