Error when clicking "email as attachment"
Hi Ilia
Re closed topic:
When you mention the fix in v6.2 do you mean that a change to the security settings will no longer be required, or is your answer relevant specifically to Stefano's situation where the settings had been modified and he was still getting the error?
Out IT Department don't want to make the security changes advised, and we are still getting the error message, so can't use this option.
Would the option for us be to hide this from the menu? Is that possible?
Many thanks, Nadine
Cameron Dwyer commented
Hi Nadine,
The fix in OnePlaceMail 6.2 resolved the specific issue occurring when the SharePoint site was being accessing via HTTPS and HTTP was blocked. The security restrictions required for this feature have not changed.
The "email as attachment" functionality is part of the larger OnePlaceMail feature which is activated on your site collection. If you deactivate the OnePlaceMail feature you will also remove the site columns for the email attributes, the email content type, and the OnePlaceMail Email Library template. It is not possible to just disable the "email as attachment" funationality without deactivating the whole OnePlaceMail feature.