The selected location is currently unavailable
I get the message "The selected location (on the left) is currently unavailable" when I try to select one of the library of my site location.
Everything goes OK with default library "Document" but as far as we created some other libraries like e.g. "Work Documents", it doesn't work. Nevertheless in windows explorer both libraries (Document and Work Documents) shows as being the same (look like folders).
Thks for you help.
Axel Palmaers commented
Issue is solved. That was an issue from our SP setup (use of non standard DBs).
Thks for your support !
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Axel,
thank you for the information provided.
Could you please capture the logs for this issue? Please refer to this article:
Please email them to me - ilia (аt)
Axel Palmaers commented
Hi Ilia,
Thks for your prompt reply.
Regarding you first comment :
I did not make any particular action before. I just added the library to the list and then navigating into hierarchy.
I provide some screenshots." rel="nofollow">
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Axel,
have you had any error message when clicked on the library on the left side? If so, could you please provide a screenshot of this message?
Could you please also do the following:
1) Navigate to the C:\Users\(user_login)\AppData\Roaming\Scinaptic\OnePlaceMail
2) Rename config.xml file
3) Restart Outlook
4) In Outlook go to the OnePlaceMail tab - Manage My OnePlaceMail Folders and add both Documents and Work Documents to OnePlaceMail.
Can you reproduce the issue after that?
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Axel,
thank you for reporting this problem.
Could you please get me into details about it?
1) What particular actions were you perforiming before this error?
2) Could you please provide a screenshots of the error (including Outlook window) and of the libraries in windows explorer you've mentioned.
You add images here by clicking the 'Add image' button in the bottom right corner of the message window or you can email them to me - ilia (аt)
Hope to hear from you soon!