Path for config file (OPM V7)
We actually use the 6.6.1 version of OPM but we will have v7 in few months.
Will it be possible with the V7 to have the config file (and favorites) saved outside the user profile ?
In other terms, is it possible to have a "browse" buttton to indicate a path of our choice for the config file ? (We need to save the config file on share drive).
Thanks in advance
Best regards

Vincent Boutry commented
Hi Elissa,
Is there a way to save or to export just the favorites with OPM V7 ? (not the config file).
Thanks in advance
Vincent Boutry commented
Hi Elissa,
Thanks for your reply about the config file.
In fact we have a problem, because sometimes users loose their favorites.
Is there a way to save or to export the favorites with OPM V7 ? (just the favorites, not the config file).
Thanks in advance,
Best regards
Elissa commented
Hi Vincent
Thank you for your inquiry.
The config files for OnePlaceMail/OnePlace Solutions need to be stored in %appdata%\roaming\OnePlaceSolutions (within the user profile).
This is not configurable and cannot be changed.
Kind regards