How to experiment with the current Express Edition with old Server-Side edition still installed?
We licensed Oneplacemail a few years ago but never used it. We are again considering this as a solution and would like to experiment with the express edition. However, we still have the server-side version installed. When I try to move an email to a folder, I get this message
OnePlaceMail Server components are out-of-date....
Server components version: 4.3
Client versin 6.1.1
How can I experiment with the express edition?

Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Ken,
Due to inactivity, I have closed this topic.
Please respond to the topic if you have further questions and/or would like to activate the discussion topic further.
Thank you!
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Ken,
to answer your question, it is safe to remove the OnePlaceMail Server components from the "Programs and Features" applet in the Control Panel.
ken.florian commented
Hi James,
We do have an SP 2010 environment (upgraded from 07) with the OnePlaceMail components still installed. It would be nice to simply "leave it be" and try the non-server version. However, when I installed and tried to use that version, it still apparently knows that the server-side components are still installed.
Is it safe to remove them from the windows "Programs" menu or must it be done through Central Admin?
James Fox commented
Hi Ken,
You have a few options:
- If you are not using R4.3, you could remove the server component from the SharePoint server as server components are no longer required with OnePlaceMail 6.x and above. We now have a client only solution for SharePoint 2010 and Office 365. Note: If you are still running SP 2007, you will require the server component still.
This is a kb to the instructions for upgrading:
- If you have a SharePoint 2010 environment, you can simply point to this environment and R6.x will allow you to save/access SharePoint.
- If you would like to see the new capabilities (and there have been many since 4.3 - see Release notes:" rel="nofollow"> ) and don't have an environment available internally, you could create an Office 365 Trial account: