Im getting some errors messages when i open outlook 2016
An error has occurred refreshing 'Favorites'
Error: No se puede crear la carpeta.
Application: Microsoft Outlook
Method: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Add(System.String, System.Object)
Stack Trace: en Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Folders.Add(String Name, Object Type)
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.CreateRootSharepointFolder()
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.GetRootSharepointFolder()
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.RefreshOutlookFoldersFromConfigFile(Boolean startUp)
this is other:
There was a problem refreshing OnePlaceMail recent locations
Error: No se puede crear la carpeta.
Application: Microsoft Outlook
Method: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Add(System.String, System.Object)
Stack Trace: en Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Folders.Add(String Name, Object Type)
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.CreateRootSharepointFolder()
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.GetRootSharepointFolder()
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.RefreshRecentOutlookFoldersFromConfigFile(Boolean isStartup)
and the last one:
The OnePlaceMail Outlook addin encountered an error and could not not be initialised.
Error: No se puede crear la carpeta.
Application: Microsoft Outlook
Method: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Add(System.String, System.Object)
Stack Trace: en Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Folders.Add(String Name, Object Type)
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.CreateRootSharepointFolder()
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.GetRootSharepointFolder()
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.InitialiseSharepointFolders()
en FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.d(Object A0, EventArgs A_1)
i dont know what is this.
Anyone help?
Hi Jorge,
We have responded you via email on your issue.
Zeeshan -
Jorge commented
This solution did not work.
I reinstalled the application and I deleted the PST that you indicate, but it did not work.
On the other hand I have doubts to introduce a license in the installed software.
I have support until 2019, but I only have the username, I do not have a password.
a greeting
Hi Jorge,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Can you please upgrade to our latest release 7.8 from this link (you will have to fill up a small form).
If after updating you still get the same error then please delete your PST file. In Outlook go to file-->Account settings-->Account settings--> Data files--> Select OnePlaceMail and hit remove.
Close/Reopen Outlook and check if issue still occurs.Regards,