Retain the full subject line from the email when moving to SharePoint
I encourage my users to update the email subject line while in Outlook. This helps to determine which emails need to be captured as a record. However when the Move or Copy to SharePoint functions are used, the email subject line is truncated to 45 characters and the remainder is lost. The email title needs to be re-typed and with OnePlace open, Outlook is locked and the email title cannot be accessed to "copy and paste" the subject line.
This is particularly annoying if a user wants to capture multiple emails. Our current workaround is capturing emails individually rather than in bulk, which is wasting time and effort.
OnePlace needs to allow for the entire subject line to be incorporated when an email is being moved or copied.

Hi Marilyn,
Sorry I missed this one.You can configure OnePlaceMail to not truncate the subject line to 45 characters. This can be configured through OnePlaceLive, and this setting can be deployed centrally to all users.
The email subject is captured to a single line of text, so there will be some shortening if the subject exceeds 255 characters.
Kind regards
Elissa -
Anonymous commented
Updated to remove anonymity. Marilyn Howes, Manager Information Governance, Department for Child Protection South Australia