Option to change OnePlaceMail view
Are we able to have an option to change between the "AllMinimal" view and a more Outlook-native view?
Our Legal team complains about the speed of loading the HTML view AllMinimal in Outlook versus using a more Outlook-native view. It would be great to get the functionality of OnePlaceMail with the speed of the (read only) SharePoint List connections.

Elissa commented
Hi All,
We are are pleased to update this thread, and confirm that this has been implemented in OnePlaceMail.
We have included this enhancement, to now show the default view in Outlook to the user, as it is set in SharePoint.
Thank you.
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi all,
I'm glad to let you know the next release of OnePlaceMail (6.4.1) is now available and contains the enhancement allowing a user to utilize reach functionality of SharePoint views in the Insert and Open from SharePoint windows.
Please follow this article for more details:
Support for SharePoint views in OnePlaceMail Enterprise Edition
Thank you.
cherrmann commented
Hi all,
Thanks for the contributions to this discussion. We have been using v6.3 for a few weeks now and while the functionality has been greatly enhanced it still does not meet the requirement of the Legal team to have an identical look-and-feel to Outlook for an email stored in SharePoint.
This includes:
* Email Preview pane
* Auto-sync of SharePoint folders in Outlook navigation pane
* Ability to Reply/Forward/Move emails
What developments are currently in the pipeline in this regard?
Dave Tigani commented
After using the 'Insert from SharePoint' function, I would love to see an option to use this view (simple list of library content) in lieu of the current launching of the webpage as the default when navigating your folders. https://d37wxxhohlp07s.cloudfront.net/s3_images/804274/defaultview.jpg?1350253076
James Fox commented
Hi Justin,
Thank you for your feedback.
I understand your need with regard to retaining a familiar experience for your end users in addition to providing performance.
I can see a clear case for providing both:
1. A web interface to SharePoint as we currently provide (with the ability to provide a minimal view or as provided in SharePoint 2013: Focus on Content option)
2. A tabular view similar to the OnePlaceMail Insert from SharePoint, Open from SharePoint windows
We are currently working on R6.3 (being released shortly) and have some enhanced capabilities planned for the tabular views in the other windows. These capabilities could naturally flow through to an option of providing a tabular view when browsing SharePoint from the left navigation of Outlook.
You're 100% correct that we are providing SharePoint via a web browser in Outlook at the moment. The upside of this approach is the experience for the end user is the same as SharePoint via a web browser. Therefore, all branding, customisations, web parts, search and functionality such as check-in/check-out, workflow etc.. is available. OnePlaceMail also provides the ability to manage favourite SharePoint locations (libraries, lists, folders or document sets) and have Recent locations presented on the left navigation of Outlook.
We will take your feedback for providing an option to browse SharePoint from the left navigation via a tabular view or via a web browser into our next sprint meeting.
Thank you again for your input.
netpicker @ commented
Hi Ilia
We have only recently installed OnePlaceMail for a few of our users to try and generate a test case for our business.
First, I'd like to make a point that when we had the product demonstrated for us it was not completely functional (not 6.2) so we were left trying to visualise real world application based on implementer advice.
I note your comments about a concern with SharePoint performance when considering views within the Outlook add-in.
What I think christopher is talking about here is for users to have the ability to CHOOSE which method of viewing site content they prefer in the Outlook add-in folder structure regardsless of the potential perforance impact.
I must admit that was surprised that I could only view an iframe of the Sharepoint documents sets we have linked to, rather than being able to view in a tubulised form of content similar to how Outlook displays emails.
In reality the ability to display the SharePoint site, when a user clicks on a folder in the structure, is functionality that can be replicated with Outlook folders using the “Home Page” properties tab on a folder.
So this to me highlights the fact that OnePlaceMail really only provides a connection to save emails and attachments to SharePoint but add's no real value in terms of being to provide a view consistent with how Outlook folder views currently appear.
Your thoughts?
Ilia Zhukov commented
thank you for the idea, it's is very important for us to get the feedback from OnePlaceMail users.
Please kindly take into consideration that the speed of loading in most cases depends on a connection quality between the machine with Outlook and the SharePoint server rather than a page content.
For instance if it's local SharePoint server and network latency is very low, any SharePoint view will be opened less than a second. But if it's a remote SharePoint server (like cloud-based Office 365) and network latency is considerably higher, any SharePoint view will be opened within several seconds.
AllMinimal view is designed to be as small as possible. Currently entire page with images, links and required background SharePoint data is not more than 500-600 KB which is very small size for a present-day local networks.
Summing up, we take this idea into consideration and put it on our development backlog.