Plugins are not available in this version of OnePlaceMail
Hi all,
we have written a plugin for OnePlaceMail to make sure that archived emails cannot be uploaded to SharePoint.
This functionality stopped working from version 7.x and the error we get also confirms this:
Currently we have installed OnePlace Solutions version 7.3. We changed some of the plugin code, redeployed it and now it works like a charm, EXCEPT that we still get the above message "Plugins are not available in this version of OnePlaceMail...." When clicking OK, everything works fine.
Can we do something about this message?
Kinds regards,

Elissa commented
Hi Kenny
Thanks for this suggestion. I have logged this with our development team, for their review, on how we can handle this better.
I will update this thread, once this has been reviewed.
Kind regards
kenny vandemoortele commented
Hi Elissa,
can I propose an "inbetween solution" concerning this warning message?
- Can you add a new property in the oneplace solution settings "hide plugin warning message box"?
- Or maybe even cleaner and better so end-users can decide for themselves: add a checkbox in the warning message box "do not show this message again"?
Thanks for having an extra look at this.
Best regards,
Elissa commented
Thanks Kenny
I have responded via email.
Kind regards
kenny vandemoortele commented
Hi Elissa,
thanks for your reply. I've send an e-mail to support at oneplacesolutions dot com with all information and log file.
Best regards,
Elissa commented
Hi Kenny
Thanks for the follow up.
OnePlaceMail R7.x does not support plug ins at this time.
To remove the error, you can remove the xml file within the C:\program Files\OnePlace Solutions\plugins directory.
Can you please email me at support at to discuss what you are hoping to achieve with the plugin?
Kind regards
kenny vandemoortele commented
We still have this problem. And we are quite stuck...
Only solution is not using the plugin, but then we got other issues...
Any help please?
kenny vandemoortele commented
Hi Elissa,
Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately deleting the xml file that I think you meant, didn't help.
Fyi: I'm talking about the following.xml file:
This is the only xml file that is located directly in the OPS install directory under program files (x86).
An other xml file is located in the plugin folder and contains the necessary context to make the plugin work, right?
Kind regards,
Elissa commented
Hi Kenny
Thank you for your inquiry.
Can you please browse to the OnePlaceMail install directory (under program files). This location will contain an xml file. Please delete the xml file here.
The error should no longer appear.Please let me know if you have any further issues.
Kind regards