HTTP 400 Error when copying to SharePoint
Hi, quite frequently we get a HTTP 400 error. The text is as below
An error has occurred saving the file to SharePoint.
Error: The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request.
Application: Scinaptic.OnePlaceMail.API.ClientIntegration
Method: Scinaptic.OnePlaceMail.API.Core.OPMUploadResult UploadFileToSharePointXmlResult(System.Xml.XmlNode, System.String, System.String, System.String, Scinaptic.OnePlaceMail.API.Core.OPMUploadManifestFilePropertyCollection, System.String, Boolean, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, Boolean, System.Object)
Stack Trace: at Scinaptic.OnePlaceMail.API.ClientIntegration.OPMServerSP2007.UploadFileToSharePointXmlResult(XmlNode listitem, String strPath, String strFile, String strDestination, OPMUploadManifestFilePropertyCollection metaData, String serviceUrl, Boolean performAutoCheckin, String docLibUrl, String docLibId, String destContentTypeBaseType, String listItemId, Boolean overwriteExistingFiles, Object uploadCacheObject)
at Scinaptic.OnePlaceMail.API.ClientIntegration.FrmMain.a()
Andy C commented
Hi Elissa, ive sent the file as requeste
Cheers Andy
Elissa commented
Hi Andy
Thank you for your inquiry.
Could you please enable logging through OnePlaceMail (OnePlaceMail Settings, Outlook, Enable Application Logging (Support).
Please close/reopen Outlook.
Please carry out the steps to generate the error message, and please send this file to me at
Kind regards