Prompt to "Save to sharepoint" when sending an email", doesn't work.
Hi, we have a issue with the feature "Prompt to "Save to sharepoint" when sending an email", for the majority of the users this works correctly but for some it doesn't. We work with a RDS 2012R2 and sharepoint 2013 in combination with office 2013 and OnePlaceMail version 6.6. The setting in settings for this in Outlook is set correct but still the window does not appear. Does this sound familiar and might there be a fix? I know I can update the OnePlaceMail tool to version 7 but that will not be done soon.

Vincent Boutry commented
Hi Elissa,
Thanks for your reply.
We were using Outlook Online (the mail was sent well).
Elissa commented
Hi Vincent,
Are you using Outlook in cache mode or Online mode?
The 'Save to SharePoint' dialog box should appear when the email lands in the sent items.
Kind regards
Vincent Boutry commented
Thanks for your reply, unfortunately we already have the 7.2 version and it doesn't work (it's aleatory on a same pc).
We will try to rename the config file.
Bas Brugman commented
Hi Vincent, we have updated the software to version 7.2 and our problem was solved. You might want to check your xml file by following the next link!Modules/2/Documents/setthesentemailprompt.htm . And I can remember that for some users the problem was solved when I removed/renamed the config file config_update.xml from the user profile.
Good luck solving your issue.
Vincent Boutry commented
Hi we have the same problem, the prompt to "Save to sharepoint" when we send an email does not appear each time.
For the majority of the users this works correctly but for some it doesn't.
The boxes are well selected in the OnePlaceMail configuration menu.
Sometimes, when we close and open Outlook, it works but is there a real solution to avoid this ?
We use OPM 7.2 and OnePlace Docs.
Thanks in advance
Elissa commented
Hi Bas,
As we are already in discussion via email, we will continue with the support there. After our call and resolution, I will update this thread.
Kind regards