Integration with Acrobat (PDF)
Is there any chance that OPM is considering providing integration with Acrobats PDF format to enable "Save to Sharepoint" from the Reader Toolbar - which launches the OPM Favourites - Tree View

Elissa commented
Hi Dave
Just to update this issue. Adobe DC is now supported in R7.1, which is available to be downloaded from our website.
Please click on the following link to download our latest release:
Kind regards
Elissa commented
Hi Dave
Thank you for your inquiry.
We will be supporting Adobe DC in R7.1. I have made a note to update this thread, once this is available.
Kind regards
Dave Tigani commented
Now that OnePlaceDocs can save PDFs through Adobe Reader, how do I get it to work with the latest version of Reader, DC?
Elissa commented
Hi Jenny
I am pleased to advise that we will be introducing this functionality in R7.0. We will update the forum once R7.0 is available for download.
Kind regards
Jenny Parke commented
HI there
Bumping an old question - any update on this functionality being included in upcoming releases?
Ian Tait commented
Thanks - I appreciate the prompt feedback - I was requesting in Application integration - so you can save when viewing the document
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Ian,
thank you for the idea, I'll add it to our backlog for further consideration.
Currently you can right-click on the file, select Send to – SharePoint. This launches the OPM Favourites - Tree view allowing you do save pdf file to SharePoint.
Hope this will help. Please update this topic if you have any questions. Thank you.