How do I capture email attributes in SharePoint using OnePlaceMail?
How do I get email attributes captured into SharePoint columns so I can use them in Document Libraries and lists?

Murray Allen commented
Hi Elissa,
Thanks for the tip, I hadn't spotted that column which solves my problem nicely.
Elissa commented
Hi Murray,
Thanks for your feedback. Currently, it is not possible to strip specific terms from the name.
If you are seeking to view the saved emails in the library, we would suggest adding the Conversation to the default view. This will show the emails by conversation, rather than the subject. This does not include the FW, or RE in the subject:
I hope this helps, please get in touch should you have any further queries
Kind regards
Murray Allen commented
I think it's great that oneplacemail can capture email attributes when populating into a document library/set.
An enhancement could be that it could recognise where the email subject has a "RE:" prefix or "FW:" and strip these from the email subject so that when filtering on email subject in a sharepoint list all the related emails will be seen.
Unless of course this can already be done, if so, how?
AKB commented
Elissa commented
I believe we recreated the list.
Can you please provide a screenshot of the custom column mapping list?
Kind regards
AKB commented
Hi Elissa,
I'm having the same issue as Janice describes, with the same setup, and the same error message. Would it be possible for you to post the resolution here?
Elissa commented
Thanks Janice, I have responded via email to set up a time.
Kind regards
Janice Peterson commented
I emailed you Elissa. Here is a recap: I am in central U.S.A. so our time zones are very different. However I can work around that if needed.
If you are in Sydney, we could schedule a time between 7:00am and 11:00am your time. (This is 4:00pm to 7:00pm my time).
Please let me know the day and time that works best for you. (I will not be available on Friday July 3, as this is a holiday.)
Elissa commented
Thanks Janice.
Would we be able to set up a screen share? Please email me at . to set up a suitable time.
Kind regards
Janice Peterson commented
Basically followed the steps set out in the link you shared above. (by the way where the instructions say 'The image below shows a Column Mapping list configured with example mappings', there is no image. It skips to changing client settings.) Anyway, here are the steps I took:
1. create a custom list with new required columns for From Column and To Column (ensuring the spacing and case is exact). Change the Title column name to Scope
2. populate the list like the below, which is example of one record:
Scope = Global; From Column = EmFrom; To Column = Sender
3. add URL of the list to OPM Settings>Save tab
4. create a library with columns corresponding to the names of the To Column references from the list. i.e. library has a column named Sender.
When I copy an email over to the library, I get the error messages: "Request failed with HTTP status 404. Not found." and then, "An error has occurred loading form fields for . Object Reference not set to an instance of an object"
Elissa commented
Hi Janice,
Are you able to share the steps you have already performed?
Are you creating your own site columns, and seeking to map from the OnePlaceMail columns to these?
Please refer to the following documentation, which may assist.
Kind regards
Janice Peterson commented
I am following these steps, and my URL does NOT display field ID = EmFrom. It displays field ID = From. Can you help me?
Elissa commented
Hi Steve
Thanks can you please confirm when you select the column in the document library, in the URL that the field ID = EmFrom
Kind regards
Steve commented
Dear Elissa
Please find the confirmation screenshots below
best regards
Elissa commented
Hi Steve
Thank you for the clarification.
Can you please confirm
1. You have named the From Column exactly as detailed in our instructions, ie EmFrom, EmTo
2. You have added these columns to the document library where you are uploading.
Kind regards
Steve commented
Dear Elissa
Thank you.
I mus not have been entirely clear.
I have created a central column mapping list and added this URL to the OPM settings in Outlook.
But when moving a mail to a library, having the columns as defined in the central column mapping list, the metadata is not entered
Best regards
Elissa commented
Hi Steve
You need to create a list, rather than a library with the custom column mapping. Please refer to our , page 36 for further instructions.
Please also ensure you create columns in your document library with these columns, and add the URL to the OnePlaceMail Settings, Save tab in Outlook
Please let me know if you have any further issues.
Kind regards
Steve commented
I have a similar issue.
I have a library with a From and a To column. When I copy a mail to this library, these fields remain empty. So I have created a mapping list with Scope, From Column and To Column and placed following entries.
Global EmFrom From
Global EmTo To
But when copying an e-mail to this folder, the fields remain empty
Best regards
Elissa commented
Hi Axel
Thanks for the update. I am happy to hear it is now working for you.
Kind regards
Axel Palmaers commented
I deleted the SP site and created a new one... not it works ! So this is not an issue anymore. Thks for ur help.