From and received options
When I "Move to SharePoint", is there an option that you can change where the pop-up box that shows the "From" and "Received data & time" is auto populated with the details in your Outlook rather than having to fill out all this information again?
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Nadine,
thank you for your question.
To answer it, SharePoint overwrites any values in the Modified column so it's not possible to write anything into it.
Hope this will help. Please update this topic if you have any questions. Thank you.
Nadine McMahon commented
Is there any way to make this work for SharePoint system fields?
For example: When an email is saved to SharePoint (document set) we would like the Modified date to reflect the Email Received Date, rather than the date it was saved to SP.
We store emails in the same document set as other documents that are created from content types within SharePoint, so we need to display the Modified date (system generated) as well.
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Graham,
thank you for your question.
These values are auto populated if you use OnePlaceMail columns/library/content type from OnePlaceMail SharePoint Sandbox solution or if you create these columns manually.
To capture "From" and "Received datetime" email attributes the library columns should be created (you can rename them later) with names EmFrom and EmDateReceived.
For more information please refer to the Section 5.1 Custom Mapping of Email Attributes to Columns in the
Hope this will help. Please update this topic if you have any questions!