Saving filename to allow period ("."), comma (",") and other allowable characters
I save files using YYYY.MM.DD format, however, OnePlace does not allow that naming convention.
I like the reply with links option, but while I wait for that (i.e., uploading files) and then do another task (like open another email), I can't see that option or email with links. If I want to get back to that reply with links, I need to re-upload all the files, overwrite the files, wait, and repeat the process. It's a great feature, but there should be an easier way to reply with links.
Finally, when saving from Outlook, if I "get back to work" and then delete or move the original email, OnePlace seems to have trouble uploading. I need to leave the email in my Inbox until it can be processed. Maybe there can be an 'save and archive' option so the email will be uploaded and then auto archived when it is processed.

Additional characters are now supported when saving with the OnePlaceMail App
Further information can be found here:
Ralf Peeters commented
Still now characters like & # % supported. Any news to report on this?
Paul commented
Why are characters # and % not supported? SharePoint 365 Online supports # and % and we use these characters regularly.
Hi there
Currently the format for the way emails are captured cannot be configured, however this is on our roadmap.
Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback and ideas for enhancements - we'll update this thread once there is any change in this area.
Elissa -
Anonymous commented
Same observation of our users. No answer from the support?
Ricardo commented
By saving e-mail / attachments the dot "." character is not accepted. Is there anyway to change this?