One Place Mail and One Place Doc how to automate the post-installation configuration?
We know how to install the msi, however after that operation still we need to configure settings such as the license and the doc store. Does anyone know, by any chance, how to automate such process? Thanks in advance

Elissa commented
Hi Guiseppe
Thank you for your inquiries.
Can you please email a copy of your config_update.xml to and I will be happy to assist.
Kind regards
Giuseppe Garzoni commented
...apparently the xml code was not posted...perhaps you can see it above
Giuseppe Garzoni commented
Giuseppe Garzoni commented
Dear all,
thanks a lot for the above, unfortunately we kept on having issues with the syntax of the config_update.xml file. Apparently we are making some mistake in the syntax, can you please have a look at it and amend it? Here is our config_update.xml
After the installation we are putting the above config_update.xml in the folder C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\OnePlace Solutions however the License Location and the Search Provider are not imported at all, can you point us to the appropriate syntax?
Many thanks in advance for your kind support
Best Regards
Elissa commented
Hi Guiseppe
Please find information as follows
1. Add SharePoint location: This can be completed via configuration update process. Please click here
2. Set Favourites: Favourites can be set by the end user. You can use OnePlaceLive to create "Solution Profiles". This is a seperately licensed software, which allows you to have greater control as to the locations presented to end users. Please send me an email at if you are interested in learning more about this.
3. You can add a link to search via the following configuration update (XML) process. Please click here you create a config_update.xml file, and place this in the Windows directory %appdata%\roaming\OnePlace solutions, these changes will be added to the users config.xml and therefore appear in the OnePlaceMail settings.
Kind regards
Giuseppe Garzoni commented
Dear all,
many thanks for the above, actually other than automating the license location we would need also to pre-populate the following fields:
1. Add Sharepoint Location: Add eFiling site (depending on the branches)
2. Add Case Documents as favourites
3. Add link to Search in eFiling
Is there any way to populate such values (i.e. a config.xml, registry keys and so on)
Again thanks for your support
Best Regards
James Fox commented
There are also msi switches you can use to set the licence list url and OnePlace Solution Site URL (for pulling down any subsequent configurations via the config_update.xml file). With OnePlaceLive you can save the config_update in a central list and these configurations will be consumed.
The msi switch are as follows:
Elissa commented
Hi Guiseppe
Thank you for your inquiry.
You are able to set the license location via a configuration update process.
Information on the config_update.xml process can be found here
The setting the license location can be set here
You can set the site collection in the same config_update.xml file. Please select this link
Please note, users are able to right click on a location or document library in SharePoint, and select "Add to Favorites".
Kind regards