Update has broken my SharePoint Connection - I now see Error: (500) Internal Server Error
I've been using OnePlaceMail successfully for months, I've recently updated the Express Edition to the latest version 6.4 but it's broken my SharePoint Connections, I now see Error: (500) Internal Server Error. I've tried all the obvious things such as removing the connections etc.

Elissa commented
Hi Nathan
Thanks for the inquiry.
Are you able to check the error logs on your SharePoint site?This topic may assist: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/sharepoint/en-US/76e66c62-d41e-4c90-8efc-3746c9a40dad/internal-server-error-500?forum=sharepointgeneral
Please let me know how you proceed.
Kind regards
Nathan Shaw commented
Hi, any resolution for that?
Same issue for me. No update involved, just started one day.
Angharad Davies commented
This appeared after I tried to 'Copy email to OnePlaceMail' from 'My OnePlaceMail' - 'Recent'.
Angharad Davies commented
Ilia Zhukov commented
Hi Angharad,
thank you for reporting this issue.
Could you please provide a screenshot or two to show where the issue is happening?
Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.