Manage saving (lodging) multiple emails together
Allow processing of multiple emails together. If I select more than one email in the OWA UI I want to be able to post them to a chosen SP library together - not one at a time.

We are pleased to announce that the ability to save multiple emails together is now available in the OnePlaceMail App. When selecting multiple emails, (up to 100), you will be able to select a location to save to, across Microsoft 36
James Imray commented
Regarding the below comment from 11 April 2017 "Currently this functionality isn't available - as soon as it is we will update this thread - we will be working to introduce this to the app shortly." Is there any update as to when this functioanlity may come to (a) The Outlook online (OWA) web interface and (b) the Android/Apple apps?
UK commented
We also definitely need this, it would be a very valuable addition - our users are constantly asking if it is somehow possible to select more than one eMail and save those to SharePoint in one step instead of doing one by one after the other (even if they belong to the same Archive Case, but in another Mail thread with different subjects). As soon as we select more than one eMail , the “Save to SharePoint” button turns inactive, which our users don't understand
Benoit Fournier commented
We also need that.
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Currently, this is not possible when using OnePlaceMail for Outlook App. We will pass this request to our product management team to review.
Zeeshan -
Hi Ceri
Thanks for your suggestion. These are items on our roadmap - we'll be sure to update this thread once these are available in the product.
Kind regards
Elissa -
Ceri commented
Great you can save emails - but what about being able to drag and drop, open and edit files? Harmon ie do all of this but doesn't work well
Hey there
Thank you for this feedback. Currently this functionality isn't available - as soon as it is we will update this thread - we will be working to introduce this to the app shortly.