search words should still produce file even if the word is not finished being spelled out
When you start to type out a word in the search box such as "Smith Marianne" the item will not pull up until you have finished typing out the entire word. If you have only typed out "Smith Ma" then there are no search results. Even if you type out as far as "Smith Marian" without the "ne" at the end, there are still no search results. Only after you have typed out the full last name and then the full first name, then it appears. Like this "Smith Marianne". Or if you type out the full name "Smith" by itself, then all Smith's will appear. But as soon as you start typing the next word such as "M" for Marianne, then all search results will disappear until the word is completely finished all the way to the last letter in the word. It should be that all search results come up even if you haven't finished spelling the word to the last letter.

Thank you for this feedback. We are pleased to advise that this has now been updated and when performing a search more results will now be returned.
Kind regards
AdminSupport (Admin, OnePlace Solutions) commented
Hi Marriane,
Thank you for your suggestion.
I will pass your feedback to product management team to review.