Space in between 2 words in search gets auto-deleted if you type first letter of next word too slow, making unsearchable
If you type 2 words in the search box of Outlook plug-in such as "John Doe" (with a space in between the 2 words) and you type the first letter of the next word too slow or if you pause to type it, (when typing out the "D" for Doe), then it will cause the intended space to get automatically deleted and push the 2 words together which causes it to become all one word and becomes a new word and unsearchable. It goes from the intended "John Doe" with a space to the unintended "JohnDoe" without a space and becomes unsearchable. You should NOT auto-delete anything that we type out in the search box. LEAVE OUR TYPING ALONE.

Thank you for the feedback on this item. We are pleased to advise that this has now been resolved.
AdminSupport (Admin, OnePlace Solutions) commented
Hi Marianne,
Thank you for your inquiry.
As you finish typing the first word and haven't started typing the second one, the search tries to bring back the result based on the first word. Once the search result is shown you could then add a space and type the second word.
However, I will pass your feedback to the product management team to review.