Inform Other Users That An Email Has Already Been Uploaded
We have three users who use OnePlaceMail, is there a way to inform other users that an email has already been uploaded to SharePoint? A user in my organization says that there used to be a check mark that would appear on an email to indicate it had already been uploaded, but I am finding a hard time finding how to set this up or get it working again. Any suggestions?

We're excited to advise that this enhancement is now available in the OnePlaceMail App.
To learn more, please click here: Enhancing Productivity: Introducing Email Tracking with Ideagen OnePlace (
Or contact the team at success at oneplacesolutions. com
AdminSupport (Admin, OnePlace Solutions) commented
Hi Matt
Thank you for your feedback.
We do have an add-on to the OnePlaceMail Desktop product that performs this function, please see 'Email Tracking' on our website here:
If you (or your client) have a subscription for OnePlaceMail Desktop, please submit a support request for further assistance on our website here:
Unfortunately the Email Tracking functionality is not yet available for the OnePlaceMail App, but this is on our product roadmap to be available in a future update.