An easy way to move documents between folders using OnePlace docs instead going to browser

We are pleased to announce that this enhancement is now available in our latest release 7.10!
This release can be downloaded via our website here:
Lorena commented
Hi OPS Team,
We received a question from a user regarding cross-folder drag&drop in OPD Docs:
• Is there a solution to the “what if I save 1 (or equally likely, more) files in the wrong spot, question. Can’t drag and drop in OPS from the wrong folder to the correct one.
Hoping this will be considered in future versions.
Thank you!
Adam Boyle commented
Hi Team,
We would love the ability to move files AND document sets/folders from one library to another also.
We have had cases where a user has finally moved their files to their custom (new) SharePoint libraries, but after the move they realise that they have to move files from library to another to organise their workspace for day-to-day use.
Having to do this via the browser is not in-line with the drag n drop functionality that OnePlace Docs offers.
Please consider adding this.
Anonymous commented
Yes agree this is cumbersome. Please fix this one.
Anonymous commented
Can't you simply use the File.moveTo() function in the sharepoint c# library? This would simply handle everything for you.
Hi Ryan
Thanks for the comment.
I've added these comments to this item in our backlog. We'll update the thread once there is any change.Thanks
Elissa -
Ryan Kiernan commented
This seems to be pretty basic functionallity and I'm very surprised that this hasn't been included on later releases, especially when someone first flagged it in 2015.
Leah Watts commented
We would like to ability to move documents between document set and libraries within SharePoint Online
Dan Johnson commented
Great idea!
This has been an issue for me with SharePoint in general. I am so used to "drag-and-drop" convenience in widows explorer i expect this to be available in SharePoint as well. Since OPM/OPD/OPS is my front end to transferring doc's/email into SharePoint this would be a really nice feature!
Elissa commented
Hi James
Thank you for your contribution, and adding your vote to this feature!
I will add your comments to this, and be sure to update this thread once this has been included.
Kind regards
James Wilson commented
I'd like to add this would be a great feature to add. As relative newcomers to Sharepoint we've found moving files within Sharepoint to be a real limitation and multiple users want a simpler way of doing it. It'd be great if it could all be done within OnePlaceDocs/OnePlacemail.
Elissa commented
Hi Benoit
Thank you for the follow up. At this current time, this is not included in our most recent release R7.1.
We are close to releasing R7.2, and this will not be included, however there will be some great enhancements as part of this release for OnePlaceDocs.
Will keep you posted on any progress regarding this enhancement!
Kind regards
Benoit Fournier commented
Any update on that feature request?
Elissa commented
Hi Kenny
Thank you for inquiry and feedback.
This is currently on our roadmap to be included in our product in a future release.
I will be sure to update this thread once this is included.
Kind regards
kenny vandemoortele commented
We find it very difficult to move (multiple) document from one list to another, and it's even more difficult between lists on different site collections.
Is it possible to add a feature in the ribbon of OnePlaceDocs: "move to..."? So all selected documents can be moved between different lists on different site collection. And where a popup asks you for the metadata from that new location?
I don't know if this is possible or which way you are heading, but for us it would be a great extra.
Kind regards,