COM error in OPS Lite when moving emails to folders
The OnePlaceMail Outlook add-in encountered an unexpected issue.
Error: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System._ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonUI'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{000C03A7-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPEE_LIBNOTREGISTERED)).
Application: mscorlib
Method: IntPtr GetCOMIPFromRCW(System.Object, IntPtr, IntPtr ByRef, Boolean ByRef)
Stack Trace: at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.GetCOMIPFromRCW(Object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, IntPtr& ppTarget, Boolean& pfNeedsRelease)
at Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonUI.InvalidateControl(String ControlID)
at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.OPMOutlookRibbon.RebuildMoveAndCopyRecentLocations()
at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.OPMOutlookRibbon.a(Object A0, EventArgs A1)
at Scinaptic.OnePlaceMail.API.Core.ConfigurationBase.a(Object A0, FileSystemEventArgs A1)
at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.OnChanged(FileSystemEventArgs e)
at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.NotifyFileSystemEventArgs(Int32 action, String name)
at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.CompletionStatusChanged(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes, NativeOverlapped* overlappedPointer)
at System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes, NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP)

Jeremy Lanctot commented
Yes, Office 2010 before upping to 2013 over a year ago. This problem just began recently, though.
Elissa commented
Hi Jeremy
Thank you for sending through the error and the steps you have taken.
Can you please confirm whether you had a previous version of Office installed on this machine?
Kind regards
Jeremy Lanctot commented
FYI, I've uninstalled OPS Lite and Office 2013 and reinstalled both twice and the same issue keeps resurfacing. The email saves to SP2013 just fine but it causes Outlook to crash every time I save an email to my SP2013 document library. Seems the problem is in Outlook 2013, not SP2013. I've tried manually registering various DLLs with no success in getting the error to go away. I believe it is a registry problem someplace.