Problem refreshing OnePlaceMail recent locations, Cannot create the folder.
Problem refreshing OnePlaceMail recent locations, Cannot create the folder.
this error comes up every time outlook opens and when saving to sharepoint however the recent locations is updating.....
Full error below and using Outlook 2013 with Office365 and sharepoint subscription:
There was a problem refreshing OnePlaceMail recent locations
Error: Cannot create the folder.
Application: Microsoft Outlook
Method: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Add(System.String, System.Object)
Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Folders.Add(String Name, Object Type)
at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.RefreshRecentOutlookFoldersFromConfigFile(String configFilePath, Boolean isStartup)

John commented
We are experiencing a similar problem, have reinstalled the latest version of OnePlace and yhet we still get the error message:
Error Message:
There was a problem refreshing Recent Locations
Error: Cannot create the folder.
Application: Microsoft Outlook
Method: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Add(System.String, System.Object)
Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Folders.Add(String Name, Object Type)
at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn. RefreshRecentOutlookFoldersFromConfigFile(Boolean isStartup)Please help!
Elissa commented
Update: deleting the recents.xml file in the user profile resolved this issue.
Thank you for your assistance Philip!
Kind regards
Elissa commented
Hi Philip
Thanks, please send a screenshot through to . Can you please also send a copy of recents.xml which can be found at C:\users\\appdata\roaming\Oneplace Solutions
Kind regards
Philip Lee Racelis commented
Build: 30.23.15295.0
Release Number 7.2
Yes I have cleared the recent locations but the same error appears.
Elissa commented
Hi Philip,
can you please confirm the version of OnePlaceMail you have installed?
Also, could you please confirm you have cleared the recent locations, via OnePlaceMail Settings ?
Kind regards
Philip Lee Racelis commented
What's the solution for this? I have the similar error..
Elissa commented
Hi Juan
Thank you for your inquiry.
If the location settings are greyed out, this can be adjusted via a config_update.xml
Please find instructions here on how to re-enable these settings
Please set the enable to "true"
Kind regards
Juan Tobar Alvarez commented
Hi Elissa
When I go to OnePlaceMail settings > My SharePoint, "Recent Locations" is greyed out.
Where can I adjust these settings?
I have R6.6.1 installed.
Thank you in advance
Elissa commented
Thank you. I will review this shortly, and respond via email
Kind regards
Trimblenetworks commented
Hi, Email sent to Support email address with attached info as requested.
Elissa commented
Thanks, can you please take a screenshot of the software listed in control panel. Also could you please copy the config.xml -(C:\users\\appdata\roaming\scinaptic\oneplacemail) and send these to
Kind regards
Trimblenetworks commented
Hi, Yes i have completed that and have both restarted outlook and have also restarted the PC. Same issue still happens. Software was only installed about 1 week ago with latest download from your website.
Elissa commented
Hi TrimbleNetworks
Can you please go to OnePlaceMail Settings, Outlook and select "Clear Recent Locations"
Can you please confirm the version of OnePlaceMail you have currently installed?
This issue was resolved in R6.6
Kind regards