OnePlaceMail (Desktop)
520 results found
OnePlaceMail - Red cross when saving from Outlook 2013 to SharePoint 2010
Hello people, First post / question as I am supporting this product in out Department.
We have some collaboration sites working and others not so good where the client saves to or moves to SharePoint via OnePlaceMail from Outlook.. The file saves partially but a Save to SharePoint error appears with - You must fill out all required properties before checking in this document.0x82000009
The details are Document ID: Failed to render "Document ID" column because of an error in the "Hyperlink or Picture" field type control. See details in log. Exception message: Invalid URL: " "..
I am…
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Integration with Acrobat (PDF)
Is there any chance that OPM is considering providing integration with Acrobats PDF format to enable "Save to Sharepoint" from the Reader Toolbar - which launches the OPM Favourites - Tree View
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One place mail - How can I translate the "mail category" of a deleted mail, set by the "move to SharePoint" right click button ?
to reproduce :
Right click on a mail in Outlook
Click on "Move to SharePoint".
After moving, the mail is delete and a category is set : "oneplacemail deletion".
We need to translate this category.
I don't find the XML tag associate in the administrator guide.
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Categorise Favourites
Apologies if this question has been answered earlier.
We are evaluating OnePlaceMail and found that the Favourites list is a flat list. Our users sometimes need to create a list of 30-50 favourites and having it as a flat list is off-putting to some of them. It would be brilliant if they can categorise their favourites into different sections.
So the question is - is it possible at all to have categories in favourites rather than displaying it as a flat list?
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How can I change the config file path
I have installed OnePlaceMail on my computer and the config file has been installed in C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\Scinaptic\OnePlaceMail.
Do you know how could I change this path ? I would like to put it on my company network (share : Y:\user\myname )
thanks in advance
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how to disable the update notification at startup?
Everytime I startup Outlook (2013) I get an update notification for OnePlaceMail. How can I disable this pop-up? I do NOT want to update.
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Rename Send and File and Insert from SharePoint
I read the OnePlaceMail administrator Guide (p74) and I would like to know if it was possible to rename the two buttons : "Send and File" and "Insert from SharePoint".
The guide does not explain if we could set a label for OPMNewMailMessageGroup and OPMNewMailMessageInsertGroup.
Many thanks in advance
Best regards
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OnePlaceMail-SharePoint-Solution-2013-v4.wsp not active the "Custom Tab"
I have followed the procedure to install Sandbox Solution for OnePlaceMails.
I have successfully uploaded and activated the file "OnePlaceMail-SharePoint-Solution-2013-v4.wsp".
I tried with another wsp file "OnePlaceSolutionsAdministrationSite_v2.wsp" and in this case the "Custom Tab" is then showed for further selection of template site.
Could you please help me? I think it may have a problem with the first wsp file I downloaded from your site.
Thank you very much ahead.
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Send and File not working
When one of our users clicks on Send and File the email sends and but no save window appears to file the email. Is there any one else that has had this issue? Using OnePlaceSolutions 7.1 and have uninstalled and reinstalled and also ran a repair on Office 2013
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enterprise keyword
I have OPM installed and when I cannot select an eterprise keyword in a list because I have no list displayed. I can on ly write my own keyword in the field.
how can I have a list of enterprise keyword ? Do I have to modify the config file ?
Thanks in advance
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Sync incoming emails from Outlook to SharePoint list or document library automatically
Hi, I've just downloaded the Trial Version of this product. Does this product also have the ability to sync incoming emails from Outlook to SharePoint list or document library automatically?
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Preview file with "open" function
Is there a possibility to have a file preview when we use the "open" function ?
Is there a configuration to set up in the config file or it is not possible to have a preview with "open" ?
Thanks in advance
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Can you download previous versions of OnePlaceMail?
My company is currently using a licensed Enterprise edition of OnePlaceMail version 6.3.1. A single user is requesting we add OnePlaceMail to their system, however the only version available is the latest one (6.6.1 i think).
To get this working i would have to update our OnePlaceMail server version, and all of the clients to the latest version. As we are in the process of migrating our SharePoint provision online, this would be wasted effort as within a month we would have to update this anyway.
Is there a way to access previous versions of OnePlaceMail for download? Any help…
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OnePLace Addin Registry value change for domain
Can we do a GPO to change the value of the OnePlace addin registry for all computers in the Domain? Coz all the machines are launching outlook but not launching the OnePlace addin. The Default Value is set to 0 when it should be 3. I've manually fixed this but would be nice if i could do it for my whole domain. Can you help?
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Reset OPM form after we complete "Content type"
When we complete the OPM form to move an email to sharepoint, then we choose the content type at the end, the form is reseted and we have to complete it again.
We found that we had to complete the content type first to avoid this issue, but is there a way to solve this issue ?
Do we have to modify the config file ?
We use OPM 6.6.1
Thanks in advance
Best regards
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Recent location is not displayed for sending files to sharepoint
We use OPM (6.6.1) and it works well.
We can send emails to sharepoint and we can see our last locations (recent favorites used).
But when I go to the desktop, I made a right click on an Excel file for example, send "send to" and "SharePoint", the OPM window appears but I haven't got the recent locations I had before in this window.
Is there a way to get recent location in this window ?
I hope my explanation will be clear...
Thanks in advance
Best regards
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Saving email to SharePoint - hide "Don't ask me this again" prompt
Is it possible to hide the "Don’t ask me this again" prompt when saving emails to SharePoint so that users cannot turn off the ability to change this setting? I still want users to choose whether sent email is to be saved (not not) to SharePoint.
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Rename "SharePoint" in Favourites
I am configuring OnePlace using the config_update.xml. I would like to know what the object name and correct context is for renaming "SharePoint" to something else (eg change "SharePoint" to "MySites").
I have attached an image highlighting what I would like to change.
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Syntax for SplitButton configuration
I am creating a config_update.xml and the following does not seem to work. Is the syntax correct?
Thank you
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- Don't see your idea?