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OnePlaceMail (Desktop)

194 results found

  1. Upload Status Prompt

    Previously when uploading a document with the same name, OPM would notify the user of the issue with a message box. Now this error message is not as visual as before as it is within the Upload Status. This is very frustrating as users don't readily look at the upload status and is not retained within outlook when the virtual desktop is restarted. Is there anyway of turning back on the error message prompt and where is the upload status information stored so we can see if we can retain the errors after a reboot. This prompt is crucial when…

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  2. User can't find files after changing name in Active Directory

    A user has recently changed her name and Active Directory has been updated to reflect this. This was a problem in SharePoint and she couldn't see her files (permissions issue). It was fixed by deleting the user in the site collection then adding her back in. She can now see her files in SharePoint, but can't find them in OnePlace mail. How can we resolve this issue>

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  3. Switch to SharePoint View after browsing from a favourie

    When browsing a favorite within OnePlaceMail and you have navigated down a couple of sites if you select switch to sharepoint view it takes to root item in the navigation field not the SharePoint Site location you are currently viewing within OnePlaceMail. We would expect the switch to Sharepoint to take you to the location you are currently viewing.

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  4. error loading folders

    When connecting to our site collection it states, "error loading folders" The user doenst have the correct permissions. When i raise the permissions to FULL CONTROL then it works, but any level lower it doesnt. How can we let this user connect to the document libraries within this site collection without raising their permission level that high?

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  5. Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonUI.'

    Hello everybody. I have a user on Windows 7 and Office 2010. He receives the following error when using OnePlaceMail:

    Error: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System._ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonUI'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{000C03A7-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPEE_LIBNOTREGISTERED)).

    I found this post ( and it says that this bug is resolved. But I cannot find the solution anywhere in this post.

    A support engineer has already run an Office repair…

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  6. An error has occurred refreshing 'Favorites' Error: The operation failed.

    An error has occurred refreshing 'Favorites'

    Error: The operation failed.

    Application: Microsoft Outlook
    Method: Void setWebViewURL(System.String)
    Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder.set
    WebViewURL(String WebViewURL)
    at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.RefreshOutlookFoldersFromConfigFile(Boolean startUp)

    Version: 7.3.3.
    Outlook: 2016


    Removed the PST File - Issue remains
    Renamed favourites.xml favourites.old - Issue remains

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  7. An error has occurred refreshing 'My OnePlaceMail' folders

    An error has occurred refreshing 'My OnePlaceMail' folders when logging in Outlook 2013.

    One of our customers has reported this ongoing error message when their log in their Outlook 2013 client:

    "An error has occurred refreshing 'My OnePlaceMail' folders.
    Error: Cannot create the folder.
    Click on "Show details" and it expands to below:
    Application: Microsoft Outlook
    Method: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Add(System.String, System.Object)
    Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Folders.Add(String Name, Object Type)
       at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.CreateRootSharepointFolder()
       at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.GetRootSharepointFolder()
       at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.RefreshOutlookFoldersFromConfigFile(String configFilePath, Boolean startUp, Boolean onlyRefreshIfFavoritesModifiedFlagIsSetInConfigXml)"

    Our customer reported this back in November 2017, but I cannot tell if this started back in October 2017 and users decided…

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  8. Category flag not set when moving emails to SharePoint

    Recently OPM stopped auto-categorizing emails moved to SharePoint. The setting is enabled for the user. Categorization works when copying emails to SharePoint.
    Resetting the configuration option didn't resolve the issue. Any ideas?

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    Bug Resolved  ·  2 comments  ·  Issue  ·  Admin →
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  9. Adding new subject when uploading document / email

    we want to upload a email to SharePoint. In the wizard there is an option to add a new subject. When we add a new subject and we want to upload the email to that subject it's not in the list. There is a <title> (which is the new one). When exiting the wizard en start over the new subject is in the list.
    What is wrong?

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  10. How can you re-add the OnePlaceMail

    How can you re-add the OnePlaceMail add-in? I deleted it because it remained in inactive status even when enabling the add-in. I thought re-installing OnePlaceMail would bring the addin back, however after the install completed, the add-in still did not come back. I re-added registry entries by getting them from another system, however it still did not add the add-in back in Outlook. Using Outlook 2016.

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  11. Oneplace mail regional setting out of sync with SharePoint

    Field validation fails. We have a date field which has validation that it cannot be in future =[Date <= [Today]]. This works fine on SharePoint, however when today's date is selected in Oneplace mail it gives an error stating that the date cannot be in future.

    There seems to be a mismatch between oneplace mail date/time setting.

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  12. Licence url/location keeps clearing

    For some users the url to the licence list keeps dropping as a result we need to reactivate the licensing by entering the url again from the settings.

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  13. The OnePlaceMail Outlook addin encountered an error and could not not be initialised. Error: Cannot create the folder.

    Release 6.5 build 25.0.5 - Outlook 2013

    The OnePlaceMail Outlook addin encountered an error and could not not be initialised.

    Error: Cannot create the folder.

    Application: Microsoft Outlook
    Method: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Add(System.String, System.Object)
    Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Folders.Add(String Name, Object Type)
    at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.CreateRootSharepointFolder()
    at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.GetRootSharepointFolder()
    at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.InitialiseSharepointFolders()
    at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.b(Object A
    0, EventArgs A_1)

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  14. Error on starting Outlook with favourites.

    Hi, in the last week or so I have had this problem. When starting Outlook, using version OPM 7.5.1, OUtlook gives the following error on start.

    An error has occurred refreshing 'Favorites'

    Error: The operation failed.

    Application: Microsoft Outlook
    Method: Void setWebViewURL(System.String)
    Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder.set
    WebViewURL(String WebViewURL)
    at FileToWSSOutlookAddIn.ThisAddIn.RefreshOutlookFoldersFromConfigFile(Boolean startUp)

    I followed some suggestions of clearing favourites, but when I click "clear" I get this error below. I know of a few people who have the same issue as me. Any ideas what to do?

    The OnePlaceMail Outlook add-in encountered an unexpected issue.

    Error: Unable to cast COM…

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  15. The OnePlaceSolutions Site URL is not updated after installing

    Hi after installing OPM Outlook 7.5 using the command
    msiexec.exe /i "C:\Temp\OnePlaceMail_Outlook2016.msi" LICENSELOCATION="https:....../sites/OPM/Lists/Licenses/" SETTINGURL=https:....../sites/OPM

    The OnePlaceSolutions Site URL is not updated after installing. See screenshot attached. Any Ideas wath the issue is?

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  16. Button "Insert from SharePoint" does not work (nothing happens)


    We use OPM 7.4.2 and we have an issue with the "Insert From SharePoint" functionality.
    When the user create a new email, then he wants to attach a doc from sharepoint, he clicks on "Insert from SharePoint", but nothing happens.
    Do you have an idea to solve the problem ?
    The config files are the same than other users (for who the button works).

    thanks in advance for your help

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  17. Recovered files lost


    I've tried to move 5000 files from a shared mailbox to oneplace and the system crashed. The emails were in the recovered files but they are not there anymore. Is there a way to recover this as the emails are important

    Kind regards,

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  18. 2 votes

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  19. files in folders not visible


    I´m using Outlook 365 on-premise installation on my computer.
    I´m not sure if this is important, but I´m from Switzerland and the general language is German!

    I installt the 30 days test version and checking all things.

    1. OnePlace Docs Explorer is working well - everything fine
    2. OnePlace Mail a) I can add Favorites (I can connect to database) b) I can see the "Favorites" folders on the left side under -OnePlaceMail - c) I made the setup for the emails like on your instruction - if you upload/copy a mail to the folder I can see the mail in…
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  20. Getting error messages after email migration from Exchange to O365

    My email was recently migrated from an on-prem Exchange server to Office365, and the migration process created a new Outlook profile (pst). Since I started using the new Outlook profile, I'm getting error messages when I load Outlook or when I use OnePlaceMail.

    The errors are things like:
    - An error has occurred refreshing 'Favorites'
    - An error has occurred setting 'Recent Locations'
    - An error has occurred when initializing OnePlaceMail

    I tried to uninstall and reinstall OPM, and to do a repair install, but nothing seems to remove the errors. Has anyone seen this and have guidance on how…

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