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An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Kenny
Thanks for this suggestion.
The "New" button is designed to add a new location within SharePoint.
Thanks for this suggestion. I will add this to our suggestion list to be considered by our development team. Once this has been reviewed, I will update this thread.
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Evert
Thanks for your inquiry.
Can you please check the OnePlaceMail Settings, OnePlace Live Service tab, for the OnePlace Solution Site.
Please ensure there is no URL listed in this location.
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
HI Row
Thanks for your inquiry.
Are you able to advise what happens when you try to search? Do you receive an error?
Kind regards
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi JPW, are you able to send a screenshot of this?
Is shift button being held down?
Our expected result is for the email to just go to the deleted items folder.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
The moved emails should be moving to the actual deleted items folder.
Do you mean the recovered folder in the OnePlaceMail PST?
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Joe
The default behaviour for drag/drop is a move, however if you hold the right mouse button down and drag/drop the user will be presented with an option to select copy/move.
A moved item is placed in the deleted items folder, with a category set to it as "OnePlaceMail Deletion".
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
HI Vincent
It is possible to turn off the confirmation window, when uploading files to SharePoint.
This can be done via the OnePlaceMail Settings | General tab.
Please select "Suppress Save Results Window"
This can also be turned off via config_update.xml process, please select the following link for example xml to set this for multiple users:
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Jeremy
Thank you for sending through the error and the steps you have taken.
Can you please confirm whether you had a previous version of Office installed on this machine?
Kind regards
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
This issue was resolved by browsing to %appdata%\roaming\OnePlace Solutions commonconfig.xml, and restarting Outlook
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Can you please attempt to reinstall the software.
If this does not resolve the issue, please email me at mailto:support@oneplacesolutions.com
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Apologies, please try
C:\users\\appdata\roaming\OnePlace Solutions.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Saeid
Thank you for your inquiry.
Can you please browse to c:\users\\Appdata\Roaming\OneplaceSolutions\
please send a copy of the commonconfig.xml to mailto:support@oneplacesolutions.com
Can you please then, close Outlook, and delete this file from the above location. Please reopen Outlook, and advise the outcome.
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Lynley
Thank you for your suggestion. Currently the check for the filename is carried out after filling out the metadata.
I will add this to our product backlog, for this to be reviewed for upcoming release.
We'll update this thread once a change has been made in this area.
Kind regards
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Thank you for your inquiry.
Currently, the right hand navigation pane only shows content of a specified folder, with the navigation tree being reserved for folder structure.
I have added these comments to our product backlog, and once this is reviewed, will update this thread.
Thank you for your feedback and suggestion!
Kind regards
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Peter
Can you please try the following steps
1.Close Outlook
2. Browse to C:\Users\\Appdata\roaming\OnePlaceSolutions
3. Remove the file named recents.xml
4. Reopen Outlook.
Please try to save an email to SharePoint.
If the error persists, can you please try:
1. Go to File, Account Settings, Account Settings, Data Files.
2. Select the OnePlaceMail pst file and select remove
3. Close Outlook
4. go to c:\users\\appdata\local\oneplace solutions
5. delete the file named oneplacemail.pst
6. reopen outlook
Please try to save an email to SharePoint.
Please let me know if this issue persists.
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Olivia!
Thank you for this suggestion. I have added this to our product backlog, and will update this thread once this change has been included.
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Vincent
Apologies for the delay.
Unfortunately there is no configuration change currently available to avoid this scenario.
However, you can make some changes to avoid this scenario.
OnePlaceMail will load the first content type listed in SharePoint. Therefore, if there is a default/specific content type, you can list this as #1 in Library Settings.
Also, when saving a .msg file, OnePlaceMail will always load the email content type that is listed in OnePlaceMail settings.
I will add this as a suggestion on our product backlog list. When there are any changes in this regard, I will update this thread.
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Jenny,
Thank you for the update.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Jenny
Please close outlook,
Nrowse to C:\users\\appdata\roaming\OnePlace Solutions
please remove all the xml files here.
Please reopen Outlook, and advise if the add in is now appearing.
Kind regards
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Jenny
Great news! Thank you for the update :)
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Jenny
Thank you for your inquiry.
I am still here :)
Can you please enable logging, via OnePlaceMail Settings, and carry out the steps to generate this error.
Please send the logfile through to mailto:support@oneplacesolutions.com for review.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Thanks Adam,
Lets set up a screen share. I will email you shortly.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Yes, sorry, the same as when logged into Windows. If you use one set of credentials to log into Windows, and another to log into SharePoint, please try to add the SharePoint credentials in the OnePlaceMail dialogue box.
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Adam,
Could you please confirm you are using the same credentials when logging into the machine,as you use to access SharePoint?
If these credentials differ, please enter the SharePoint credentials at OnePlaceMail Settings --> Credentials.
Please let me know how you go.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Bill
Thank you for your inquiry.
Please find a link to a KB which may assist: http://www.scinaptic.com/support/0016.html
If this does not assist, could you please advise the error message you are receiving.
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Thanks Scott
Are you able to email me at mailto:support@oneplacesolutions.com
We can then set up a screen share, to troubleshoot further.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Scott,
Can you please confirm this is occurring on any document libraries?
if so, please run a repair on Office and Microsoft Visual Studio for Office 2010 via control panel | Programs and Features.
If this is for a specific document library, can you please as a test, create a new view, with only the title column in the view. Please confirm if the contents are now displayed.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Scott
Thank you for your inquiry.
Can you please confirm the outcome if you select the SharePoint location, without using the Favourite location ?
can you please also browse to C:\users\\Appdata\Roaming\OnePlace Solutions\
delete favorites.xml
delete commonconfig.xml
Please restart Outlook, and advise if this issue persists
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Guiseppe
Thank you for your inquiries.
Can you please email a copy of your config_update.xml to mailto:support@oneplacesolutsions.com and I will be happy to assist.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Guiseppe
Please find information as follows
1. Add SharePoint location: This can be completed via configuration update process. Please click here http://www.oneplacesolutions.com/help/current/#?id=5214
2. Set Favourites: Favourites can be set by the end user. You can use OnePlaceLive to create "Solution Profiles". This is a seperately licensed software, which allows you to have greater control as to the locations presented to end users. Please send me an email at mailto:support@oneplacesolutions.com if you are interested in learning more about this.
3. You can add a link to search via the following configuration update (XML) process. Please click here http://www.oneplacesolutions.com/help/current/#?id=5194When you create a config_update.xml file, and place this in the Windows directory %appdata%\roaming\OnePlace solutions, these changes will be added to the users config.xml and therefore appear in the OnePlaceMail settings.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Guiseppe
Thank you for your inquiry.
You are able to set the license location via a configuration update process.
Information on the config_update.xml process can be found here
The setting the license location can be set here
You can set the site collection in the same config_update.xml file. Please select this link
Please note, users are able to right click on a location or document library in SharePoint, and select "Add to Favorites".
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Chris
Thank you for this update.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any further queries.
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
HI Chris
Thank you for the screenshot,.I believe the error is stating you do not have permission.
Can you please confirm the results if you enter a search term in the OnePlaceMail navigation tree:
Can you please also confirm the setting in OnePlaceMail settings, Navigation tab. Is the default setting under SharePoint search service selected (first check box)?
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Chris
Can you please include a screenshot of the details (please select "Click for details"
Kind regards
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Update: deleting the recents.xml file in the user profile resolved this issue.
Thank you for your assistance Philip!
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Philip
Thanks, please send a screenshot through to mailto:support@oneplacesolutions.com . Can you please also send a copy of recents.xml which can be found at C:\users\\appdata\roaming\Oneplace Solutions
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Philip,
can you please confirm the version of OnePlaceMail you have installed?
Also, could you please confirm you have cleared the recent locations, via OnePlaceMail Settings ?
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Juan
Thank you for your inquiry.
If the location settings are greyed out, this can be adjusted via a config_update.xml
Please find instructions here on how to re-enable these settings
Please set the enable to "true"
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Thank you. I will review this shortly, and respond via email
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Thanks, can you please take a screenshot of the software listed in control panel. Also could you please copy the config.xml -(C:\users\\appdata\roaming\scinaptic\oneplacemail) and send these to mailto:support@scinaptic.com
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi TrimbleNetworks
Can you please go to OnePlaceMail Settings, Outlook and select "Clear Recent Locations"
Can you please confirm the version of OnePlaceMail you have currently installed?
This issue was resolved in R6.6
Kind regards
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi Jesper
Please select the following link to download previous versions of OnePlaceMail
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Elissa commented
Hi William
Thank you for your inquiry.
Yes, you are able to download previous OnePlaceMail releases. Please find the link here for this: http://www.scinaptic.com/support/0080.html
When you are ready to update OnePlaceMail, please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any queries.
Kind regards
Hi Ami
The user is able to right click on the attachment and save this seperately from the email. If they would like to then save an email without the attachment to SharePoint, they can select "remove attachment" via the right click menu.
Due to record management purposes, often it is required to keep the attachment with the email
Kind regards